Cabernet Solution, don’t you love just saying it? It’s smooth, it’s polished; it’s your new peel! Cabernet Solution, drink it, dance to it, now peel with it. Red wine is truly getting better with age. Don’t be left behind in this fast paced ever evolving quest for better and better. This red wine extract peel will remove dry and dead skin cells, increasing intercellular lipids, improving barrier function, returning skin to its most natural state: firm, smooth, moist, like a freshly plucked luscious grape.

A Natural Difference chose “Red Wine Extract” high in resveratrol, a flavonoid produced during the pulp fermentation process. Red Wine acid was added to lower the pH content for a superb med depth peel. As such, this treatment is for Aestheticians who have been trained to administer chemical peels such as Jessner or TCA.

The Cabernet Solution is applied with two layers after the skin is prepped. Cabernet Solution can frost on skin. There are two reasons for this:

(1) client is not off the retinols

(2) certain medications. Cabernet Peel will result in light peeling within two to three days after application, but the skin will experience very little down time, and because it contains no chemicals, it can be listed on your au naturale spa menu.

Cabernet Peel is prescribed for sun-damaged, anti-aging, enlarged pores, wrinkles, dry, scarred, splotchy, hyper-pigmentation and acne prone skin. Home Care Post Peel Kit is available for each client to purchase before treatment. Proper post peel skin care is imperative to optimize results and ensure efficacious healing.

Cautions: Client must refrain from retinol products two weeks prior to treatment. Not recommended for clients on medications. If client persists, a written Doctor’s consent is required.